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Sub-Castes of Kamboj


                          Sub-Castes of Kamboj or Kamboh

Sub-Castes of Kamboj or Kamboh
The Kamboj or Kamboh tribe is divided into two broad divisions of Gotras (sub-castes): 52 Gotras and 84 Gotras, thus totalling 136 gotras in all. But in actual practice, the number of gotras appears to more than 136: (does not cover the complete list).
Here is the list of commonly used surnames and their references:

• 1. Abdal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 2. Aglavey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 3. Ajpal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 4. Amber/Ambarey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 5. Angiar/Angyare/Angyara
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 6. Angotra/Angotey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 7. Asawan/Sawan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14
• 8. Ashoke
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthalai, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi, Article By Dr J. L. Kamboj
• 9. Asoi
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi N. Delhi, Article By Dr J. L. Kamboj
• 10. Baan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 11. Badban
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 12. Bagban
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 13. Baghyaan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 14. Bagi/Baghi
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi)
• 15. Bahiman
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 16. Bahman
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 17. Bahman/Baman
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 18. Bahujad
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 19. Bahya/Bahia
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 20. Bajey/Bajye
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi, Delhi
• 21. Bajney
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy N Delhi
• 22. Banain
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 23. Banaiyak/Vinaiyak/Winaiyak/Wanayak/Binaiyak
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, H. RoseH Rose, Glossary, Vol III p p 489, 524
• 24. Bangar/Bangad
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 25. Banjahl
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 26. Banur/Banuri
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III p 523
• 27. Banvait
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 28. Barar
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, H A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524, Jat Ribes p 140/141
• 29. Bargote/Barghote/Barghat
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy & Jay Kamboj Magazines
• 30. Barham
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 31. Bassi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 32. Bastorh/Bastod
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 33. Batti/Bhatti
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Tarikh-I-Kambohan Chaidhury Wohabuddin Amritsar, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala Magazines
• 34. Bhandari/Bhandar
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines
• 35. Bhaun/Bhawan
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524, Jay Kamboj, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 36. Bhojratrh
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 37. Bhokney/Bhukney
References: Jat Tribes p 140/141, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines,
• 38. Bhujjang/Bhujangi
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 39. Bihaar/Bihaad/Behaad
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 40. Brahman
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 41. Chaak
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524, Jat Tribes of Zira p
• 42. Chaand
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 43. Chaandana/Chandna/Chandan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524
• 44. Chadana
References: H Rose, Vol II, p 145, in ASR
• 45. Chamane/Chaman
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy & Jay Kamboj Magazines, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazin
• 46. Chamarye/Chamarhey/Cheemrha
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy & Jay Kamboj Magazines
• 47. Chanan
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15,
• 48. Chananyi
References: H Rose, Glossary, Voll II, p 152
• 49. Chandi/Chaandi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 50. Changara/Chingara
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Fakhar-I-Watan 1999 p 13, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazine
• 51. Chani/Channi/Chuni
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42
• 52. Channa
References: H. Rose Vol III, p 524
• 53. Chatrath/Chitrath
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol II, p in Montgomery, p 54, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Aina-I-Khem Karan p 11, Fakhar-I-Wattan Souvenir, 1
• 54. Chaufaal/Chofal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 55. Chchachhoti/Chchachhot
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141,
• 56. Chchanan
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New
• 57. Chchananyi
References: H. Rose Glossary of Tribes, Vol II, p 152, found in ASR
• 58. Chchyanvey
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15=same as Chchanan
• 59. Cheedvey/Chidwa
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 60. Chehrta/Chuhrata/Chuhrhawat
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 61. Chichaar/Chichare/Chachare
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New
• 62. Chimne/Chimney/Chaman
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New
• 63. China
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol II, p 524 , Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi
• 64. Chudye/Chydwey
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 65. Daberah,
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II, p 215
• 66. Dahai/Dahatai
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Eh Kamboj Lok
• 67. Dahut
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II, p 445, Punjab Castes Ibbetson p 149
• 68. Dange/Dangey/Dang
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jat tribes of Zira p 140/141, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi/Jay Kamboj Magazines
• 69. Dasra,
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524
• 70. Dehggal/Duggal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 71. Dehl/Dehal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 72. Dehr/Dehar
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II,p 233, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 73. Dehraal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 74. Dhaara/Dhaarey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 75. Dhabar/Dhavar
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 76. Dhad/Dhadey
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazine
• 77. Dhahate
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 78. Dhanju/ Dhinju/Thinju
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 79. Dhanu/Dhano
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj Megzine, Research
• 80. Dharaal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat
• 81. Dhat
References: H. Rose, Glossay of Tribes, Vol II, 445,
• 82. Dhavarha/Dhavada
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 83. Dhill/Dhillan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal /Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kambo
• 84. Dhingrey/Thengrey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 85. Dhodi
References: Jay Kamboj Magzine/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi, Zat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Tarikh-I-Kambohap 216/217, Chaudhury Wohabudin,
• 86. Dhote/Dhotey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 87. Dhudi
References: Same as Dhodi: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Jay Kamboj Magzine/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi
• 88. Dode/Dodey/Dod
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira, p140/141, Eh Kamboj Lok p 357
• 89. Dolyaan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 90. Dotane/Dutane
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 91. Dotey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 92. Dotey/Dote
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 93. Fokney
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Zat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 94. Gadhi/Gadhe
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/41
• 95. Gadraha/Gadhrah
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 96. Gagrah/Gagrey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 97. Gail/Gayal/Gal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 98. Gainda/Genda
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 99. Gallon
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol II, p 524 ,
• 100. Gandher/Gandherye
References: Eh Kamboj Lok, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines
• 101. Gandhi/Gandi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine i
• 102. Ghanghara
References: H. Rose, Vol II, p 284
• 103. Ghaseeta
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 104. Gillavey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Eh Kamboj Lok p 128, Jat Tribes of Zira, p 140/141
• 105. Gogan/Gugan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 106. Gore/Goure/Gaure/Gori
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes p 140/141
• 107. Gosila/Gosala
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 108. Gossa
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 109. Goyal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines
• 110. Handa/Handye
References: Rose Vol II, p 325, p 326, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 17, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazine
• 111. Hareyas
References: Jay Kamboj , Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Tarikh-I-Kamboha Chaudhury Wohabuddin, Amritsar
• 112. Harsa
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Aina-I-Khem Karan p 11,
• 113. Hassan
References: Fakhar-I-watan Souvenir p 7
• 114. Jaada/Jahra/Jara
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Megzines
• 115. Jaangla/Jangla/jangli
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 116. Jag
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 117. Jagmaan
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal Sept 2000, p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi
• 118. Jaham see Jhaam
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 119. Jaiya
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 120. Jakhpaal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 121. Jammaan
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42
• 122. Jammu/Jammun
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Sikhs, A. H. Bingley p 57, H Rose Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 123. Jandi/Jandu
References: H. Rose Vol II, p 353, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi
• 124. Janer
References: Research
• 125. Jani/Jahani
References: Rose p 524 Vol III
• 126. Jara/Jada
References: H. Rose Vol II, p 353
• 127. Jaspal
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal Sept 2000 p 15
• 128. Jatmal/Jatmaal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141,
• 129. Jaura/Jaurey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, H. Punjab Castes Ibbetson p 149, Glossary, H.Rose,Vol II, p 413,379
• 130. Jauri
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 131. Jham/Jaham/Jhaam/Jhamb
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, H. Rose,Vol II, p523, 445, Fakhar-I-watan Souvenir
• 132. Jhand/Jhandu
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 133. Jhande
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II, p 445, Punjab Castes Ibbetson p 149
• 134. Jie
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 135. Joiya
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol II, p 410/413
• 136. Jorye
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol II, p 413
• 137. Jossan/Josan/Josun/Jausen
References: H. Rose Vol II, p 353, p 445, Vol III p 524, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy N Delhi Magazines
• 138. Juj/Judge
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 14, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine i
• 139. Junsan/Jansan
References: H. Rose Glossary, Vol II, p 356: =Jausen/Josen/Jossen, A.H. Bingley also notes this subcaste in his Sikhs p 57
• 140. Kadi/Karhi
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 141. Kailash/Kailas
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42
• 142. Kaisal/Kasale/Kosale
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 143. Kakra/Kakkar/Kakre
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines,
• 144. Kalra/Kalrey/Kalrue
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jay Kamboj Megzine,
• 145. Kals/Kalsi,Kalsye
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines,
• 146. Kamar/Kumare/Kamare/Khamre
References: Dr J. L Kamboj, Ancient Kamboja p, Artibus Asiae Vol XXI4, p 254
• 147. Karanpal
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141,
• 148. Karmi
• 149. Kaura
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141,
• 150. Kauri
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524
• 151. Kawhi
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524
• 152. Khand
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524
• 153. Khanda/Khinda/Khandye
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, J Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines,
• 154. Khattey/Khitey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, J Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala Megzine, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141,
• 155. Khere
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II,p 534,
• 156. Khokhar
References: Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Jay Kamboj Magazines, Ja
• 157. Kirgill/Kargill
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi,
• 158. Koiyer/Koyer/Koir/Kaiyer
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines, J
• 159. Kore/Korye
References: H.Rose, Glossary, Vol II, p 557,
• 160. Kosal/Koshal/Kosley,Kosale
References: Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Eh Kamboj Lok,
• 161. Kukkar/Kokkar/Kokre
References: Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15,
• 162. Lahang/Lahangey/Lahanga/Lahnge/Lahnga
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Kambopj Sandesh/Hitaishy Magazines
• 163. Lahary/Laihary/also=Lahre/Lahra
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi
• 164. Laihinde/Lahnda
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 165. Laitamb/Laitambey
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 166. Lakhi
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 167. Lal/Lall
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524
• 168. Landey/Landei
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 169. Langhere/Lungher/Lungherey/Lunghera
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 170. Larmotey/Larmote
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 171. Lassanpal
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 31
• 172. Latey/Lat
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Eh Kamboj Lok p 357
• 173. Lore/Laure/Lori
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 174. Ludri/Ludhri/Lodhri
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala, Ancient Kamboja by Dr J. L. kamboj
• 175. Lura/Lora
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 39, in Montogmery
• 176. Machchli
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140
• 177. Madhe
References: H. Rose Glossary, Voll III, p 44
• 178. Mage//Maghi
References: Kamboj clan in Montogomery/Multan, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi, Jay Kamboj Magazines, Dr Budh Parkash/Dr J. L. kamboj
• 179. Magoo,
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42
• 180. Mahes/Mahesi
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42
• 181. Mailley/Mailli
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Maga
• 182. Makkar/Makkad/Makaure/Mukker
References: Kamboj Itihass, p42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Rose Voll III, p 524, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Ka
• 183. Mall
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal Sept 2000, p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 184. Mami
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524
• 185. Manda/Mande/Mand
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 186. Mardak
References: H. Rose,Glossary, Vol III, p 69
• 187. Matte/Mati
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 188. Mehroke/Mahroke/Maroke
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 17
• 189. Mom/Momi/Momye
References: H. Rose,Glossary, Vol III, p 128, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 17, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 190. Momsarang
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal Sept 2000, p 15
• 191. Moti/Muti
References: H. Rose,Glossary, Vol III, p 128, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 17
• 192. Multani
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Aina-I-Khem Karan p 11
• 193. Nadhe/Nadha/Nandhey
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III, P 139 p 524, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 17
• 194. Nagpal
References: H A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 17, H. Rose Glossary Vo
• 195. Nagra
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira, p 140/141, Eh Kamboj Lok p 357/358
• 196. Nagri
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 17
• 197. Nahru/Naihru
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi, Jay Kamboj Magazines
• 198. Namber
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Aina-I-Khem Karan p 11
• 199. Nanda/Nande
References: Eh Kamboj loke p 357, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 175,
• 200. Nandan
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 17, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Ma
• 201. Nandha/Nandhay
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 17, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala Megzine
• 202. Naru
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III,p 524
• 203. Nauria/Nauhrya
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 17, Eh Kamboj Lok p 357, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 204. Nepal/Naipal/Naipaul
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Eh Kamboj Lok p 357, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi),
• 205. Ner
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol II, p 524
• 206. Nerya
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 207. Nibber
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Aina-I-Khem karan, p 11
• 208. Nighamber
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 209. Nirmal
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 210. Nuri/Noori
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 211. Padhassi/Padasi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 212. Pahda/Pahdey/Padiyay/Pahdaya/Pawahdah/Pohdaiya/Powahdah
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Kamboj Itihass, Kamboj Sanesdh/Hitaishy & Jay Kamboj Magazines etc
• 213. Panda/Pandey//Pandha/Pandhi/Pandi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi/Sandesh Magazines
• 214. Pandu/Pandhu/Padhu
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Personal research, H Rose Glossary Vol III, p 194
• 215. Paran/Puran
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 216. Patanrai
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines
• 217. Pathaan
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III p 524, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 218. Patnayak
References: Jay Kamboj Megzine, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy Magazines
• 219. Rao
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III, p 524
• 220. Ratanpal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 221. Rudri
References: kamboj Sendesh, Article By Dr J. L. Kamboj
• 222. Sainapati
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj
• 223. Sainik
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj
• 224. Salahare/Slehare/Salahra
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Hitaishy N Delhi
• 225. Saman
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III, p 349
• 226. Samma/Sammey//Sama/Same
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Glossary, H. Rose Vol III, p 524, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines
• 227. Sandal/Sandhali/Sandalah/Sandaley
References: Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala, New Delhi, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala N Delhi, Ja
• 228. Sande
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II, p 445, Punjab Castes Ibbetson p 149
• 229. Sandher/Sandheyer/Sandheer
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal Sept p 14, Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira, p 140/141, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in H
• 230. Sandhey/Sindhi/Sandha
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Sept, 2000, p 15, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy
• 231. Sandhi
References: see Rose Vol III, p 351, 524
• 232. Sandhye
References: Hindu Kamboj clan in Motogomery, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose Vol III, p 351
• 233. Sandye
References: Hindu Kamboj clan in Motogomery, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose Vol III, p 351
• 234. Saprha/Sabada/Sapara
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Sept, 2000, p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala N Delhi
• 235. Sarang
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Sept, 2000, p 15, Aina-I-Khem karan, p 11, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Mag
• 236. Sarkaura/Sarkorha/Sarkare
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III, p 524, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Ka
• 237. Sathand
References: H. Rose at Asr. Vol III, P 338
• 238. Satta/Sattey/Sattye
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Sept, 2000, p 15
• 239. Shahi
References: H. Rose at Asr. Vol III, P 524
• 240. Shamye
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol II,p 402/03
• 241. Soi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42
• 242. Soki/Sokhi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 15
• 243. Soni/Sony
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Sept, 2000, p 15, Jat tribes of Zira p 140/141, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, Ne
• 244. Sothpal
References: H. Rose Vol III, p 524
• 245. Suhag/Suhage/Sahige
References: Kamboj Itihaas, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , Sept, 2000, p 15, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi
• 246. Suner/Sunare/Sunehre
References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal Sept 2000, p 14, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi),
• 247. Surme
References: H Rose Glossary Vol III, p 524
• 248. Taggar/Taggal/Tuggal
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi,
• 249. Takhe/Trikha
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose Vol III, p 524
• 250. Tanda
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 251. Tandna
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/14
• 252. Tapadia
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 253. Taper/Taped
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Jat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 254. Tapia
References: Jay Kamboj Megzine
• 255. Tarni
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524 notes Tarni
• 256. Tawan
References: Zat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 257. Thatta/Thatha/Thathey/Thathai/Thathaia
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Zat Tribes p 140/141, Eh kamboj Lok p 357, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala, Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kam
• 258. Thengra/Dhengra
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 259. Thind
• 260. Thinju/Thijju
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15
• 261. Tiwana
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose , Vol III, p 471, found in Asr
• 262. Todie
References: same as Dhodi: Rose gives Totie which actually is Todie/Dhodi
• 263. Topchi
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Zat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 264. Trij
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 524
• 265. Trikha/Trakha
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Zat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 266. Tumme/Tummey/Tumma
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Zat Tribes of Zira p 140/141
• 267. Turana/Turna/Torna
References: Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal , p 15, Eh Kamboj Lok p 170
• 268. Unmal/Unwal
References: Punjab Castes Ibbetson p 149, A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose, Vol III, p 445
• 269. Vallah
References: Fakhar-I-Watan, Souvenir, 1999, p 6
• 270. Varma/Burma/Varman
References: Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaiyashi New Delhi
• 271. Vinayak/Vanayak/Vanaik
References: H Rose, Glossary, Vol III p p 489, 524, Kamboj Itihaas, 1972, H. S. Thind, p 42, Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi, Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazin
• 272. Wirk
References: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1914, H. A. Rose of Tribes, Vol III, p 508